Only A Matter Of Time (Close to the Heart Songs, 2016, Kerry Belcher, all rights reserved)

“It is appointed for man once to die and then comes the judgement.”
– Hebrews 9:27
“The man who puts off the last things until last is above all a fool.”
– Samuel Rutherford

This song reminds us all to keep our eye on the end that seems so far away. Perhaps-but even 100 years pales short in contrast with eternity. Repentance is a desire of a man’s heart as he dares gaze at the cross in the misery of his sin. If you feel that call brother or sister please do not delay. He might never visit again.

I paint myself perfect each day-I keep on the narrow and straight
I keep my head high, almost touching the sky-but my back is as black as an ace
Everyone else sees my problems-my faults are as plain as can be
It would take a man blind as a bat to not see them-a blind man exactly like me
Chorus It’s only a matter of time my friends until time finds us down on our knees
It’s only a matter of a doctor’s report or a call from your Pastor or Priest
Time won’t wait, we’ve all heard it said-but time could care less after we’re dead
Get right with the Savior before you find that it’s only a matter of time
v2 I’ve heard some say I’m not ready yet, I’ll think about death when I die
But he who puts off the last things until last is in for an awful surprise
No man knows the day or the hour, only Jesus holds onto that key
An illness or wreck or a pain in the neck may be too late to fall on your knees Chorus